Vibration measurements & test technology
To test prototypes at static, dynamic and acoustic properties we use a special climate chamber were we can test at different temperatures to simulate the surroundings were products are used. Our engineers developed unique equipment to do on site real time measurements of vibration levels and structure borne noise isolation of resilient mounted systems. Another area were we stand out is the design and optimazation of engine skids and intermediate frames of double mounted systems.
Our measurement & testing equipment:
– Static test benches Zwick/Roell Z275 (up to 275 kN) & Z050(up to 50 kN)
– Dynamic test bench Zwick/Roell HB100 (up to 100Hz)
– Acoustic test bench (from 10 up to 2000 Hz)
– 8-Channel & 2-Channel real-time vibration measurement equipment
– Class 1 Sound level measurement equipment
Mobility / Foundation stiffness analysis
By measurement (either by means of Hammer impact or Actuator excitation) of foundation mobility before the engine and/or genset is placed, the actual foundation stiffness values can be compared against the used theoretical values. By doing so, the final result can be predicted more accurately up-front, and even improved if necessary, by making adjustments to the foundation.
Actuator technology
Besides measurement equipment and vibration isolation technology, Rubber Design also is capable of bringing vibrations into your construction! By means of a frequency controlled actuator, a wide range of frequencies can be applied to a construction, which allows us (for example) to simulate an engine structure borne noise input or to search for (local) resonance issues. With this method, complete foundations, plate fields or even (sections of) vessels can be excited during the construction phase, allowing for proper action in an early stage.

Contact us:
Rubber Design B.V.
Industrieweg 21
2995 BE Heerjansdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)78-6778778
Postal address:
P.O. Box 15
2995 ZG Heerjansdam
The Netherlands
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